John Rampton in an entrepreneur, investor and online marketing guru who was recently named #3 on a list of the Top 50 Online Influencers in the World. He is passionate about sales and often discusses what it takes to become a successful salesperson. He compiled a list of what he considers to be the top 15 most important characteristics for a salesperson to possess. The list went as follows:

  1. Conscientiousness
  2. Respectful
  3. Initiative
  4. They listen
  5. Persistent
  6. Coachable
  7. Positive
  8. Resourceful
  9. Passionate
  10. Ask questions
  11. Independent
  12. Time managers
  13. Overachieve
  14. Personable
  15. Alertness

The thing that especially struck me about this list was the type of characteristics listed. Many of them are very different from what people generally think about when they think about salespeople. Things like conscientiousness, respect, listening, coachability all seem to go against the “old model of sales.” This reaffirms the change that has been taking place in sales. The switch from the old model to a new one. As salespeople, we need to continue to develop these characteristics and incorporate them into our conversations.

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