Most people believe salesman to be cheap scummy people who will do anything for a dollar. But what most people don’t understand is that most salesman are great people that also want the best for their client. This is especially true with Christian salesman.

But, there is also another side of the coin. I know a friend of mine that dropped out of school and pursued sales. From what I have heard he is selling insurance and scamming older people to buy their promos and becoming rich off of it. It is a touchy topic because they are doing nothing illegal. Now, is this okay?

From what I see this is wrong and should not happen. I wanted to bring this up because i feel as though it is important to always keep your morals first. I would rather become a good person than a rich person in sales.

4 thoughts on “Christian Mindset in Sales”
  1. Ethically, there is something definitely wrong with the picture of exploiting older people. I think there is a lot of good in being honest about intentions and caring for those whom you are selling to.

  2. It is important that as a future salesman, we realize the stereotype that people may have against us and try and prove them wrong by showing our christian values and how we apply them to interacting with people. It can be hard to be ethical especially when you can make a lot of money but as Christians, God expects us to not give in to peer pressure or take the easy way out.

  3. I believe that Christian’s have a hard time in the sales world because sometimes it is hard to navigate morally. It may not be illegal activity, but it may be sneaky or white lies. Christian’s should not really participate in sketchy or deceitful.

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