Here are some Christian themed principles to think about if you want to be a Christian sales person:

First Principle

“I am a Christian Sales Person.”

My Ultimate allegiance is to Jesus Christ. This principle is very simple to understand. It means that as a sales person you should work towards reflecting the will of God. You will do so by following the Christian virtues of working hard, being honest, and being loyal to your employers.

Second Principle

“My work is my ministry.”

This principle focuses on the idea that working for a company is only to make a living for yourself. But as a Christian sales person it is different. It says that God has gifted us with certain skills and life experiences that make us special so that we can show his light in different parts of the world of commerce. We are to serve Jesus Christ in our work.

Third Principle

“I sell well.”

People that sell well are usually valued a lot. Workers that are seen as valuable will be sought out for help and for their opinions on matters. This can be very helpful when trying to spread the influence of God because what you say may carry a lot of weight.

Fourth Principle

“I am a good employee.”

It is not unusual for sales people to think that they are more valuable than they actually are or even more valuable than your peers. But to get rid of these attitudes one should be happy that they are working for their employer and honor him/her because he/she was appointed to a position of authority by Christ. With this attitude you should then strive to make your work environment a more positive place.

Fifth Principle

“I strive for righteousness”

This principle wants you to have a positive impact on the people around you. To do this you should not cheat, lie, steal, defame, or talk badly about others. Instead be honest, kind, just.

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