In my last blog post I showed you the first 5 sales principles that are focused on Christian values. This post will be about the final five principles beginning with the sixth.

Sixth Principle

“I give abundantly”

As a Christian sales person you are blessed with many talents and money. So you must give abundantly of both talents and money. This principle takes into the consideration the idea that many people would love to have a job like yours. So therefore you must use your talents and money to give back help others. These talents and funds should be used under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Seventh Principle

“I expect God to be involved in my work”

Our work as salespeople is ministry. We should do it for the glory of God. Since what is done is God’s work being done through your mind and body. Therefore we should look for God’s involvement in every day interactions.

Eighth Principle

“I stay balanced”

Every day we are faced with the tug of various responsibilities. It can be easy to get so involved in our work that we can forget about the other parts of our lives. But God made us multidimensional so we could handle these type of things. The various parts of our lives that should be balanced are: career, financial, spiritual, social, and physical.

Ninth Principle

“I seek ever broader influence”

We are to take seriously God’s Charge to us to be lights to the world and salt to those whom we come in contact with. So we must be actively seeking opportunities to influence others and let God’s light shine through our actions.

Tenth Principle

“I continually grow spiritually”

Being a Christian sales person means we must understand that we are a work in progress. WE are working through his challenges in our life so we can be more like His Son. To do this we must spend regular time in prayer and in communication with other Christians and strive for an even greater understanding of Him.

2 thoughts on “Christian Sales Principles. Part Two.”
  1. I find that the eighth principle of staying balanced is particularly difficult while in college. With so many pressing stresses in one’s life it’s often hard to remember to prioritize relationships, particularly the one with our Creator. How blessed are we to be at a school that continuously reminds us to invest in our faith, surrounded by exceptional examples of people living that Christ-centered life.

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