Clarity is in most cases a challenge of communication. An what is sales more than just an effort to use communication fruitfully. if there is a miss communication than there will be complication, especially if this has to do with with a product that you are selling or a service that you are providing for your customer. All of this to say, clarity is key. So what are some good ways to find clarity? find common ground and relate it to the thing that you are trying to explain. Something that I often do is relate the this that I am talking about to an outlandish metaphor that, while is able to relate, is a far exaggeration. This method works in many of my cases, for the comedic value it has in a stressful situation as well as the shock effect that it has. This is something that we talked about in class. It works as a sort of step back, instead of saying from a 30,000 foot view I am making an exaggeration that will make them think about what they just said. Even if my metaphor is way off that still means that the other person will have to think about what they said. If I am way off with my metaphor they will just correct me and we will have a better understanding.

2 thoughts on “Clarity”
  1. I think your metaphor is on point haha. Clarity can be found in some may unique ways. I find this aspect of the idea to be very interesting. Weather it be through outlandish questions or even going so far as to switching roles with another clarity and creativity in achieving clarity can go hand in hand.

  2. Clarity is truly so important in sales because a prospect may not always truly understand what their issue is. This makes it nearly impossible for a salesman to help alleviate the pain points. Helping someone take a step back and give a different perspective often perfectly leads to the clarity necessary to complete a beneficial sale.

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