Clarity is important in the sales process, according to Pink, and I wanted to dig more into why. If someone is in sales one of the keys things, they need to understand is what the customer’s needs are. At any time during a sales conversation if the salesperson assumes or doesn’t have full understanding of the situation that is a problem. I thought the 1-10 question gauging where a customer is at and then getting them to talk positively by asking why they didn’t go lower is a great question. It gets straight to the root of where they are at on a subject and why they are there. Success is truly dependent on how well a salesperson asks questions. If a salesperson is able to ask the right questions at the right times the conversation is likely to end in success. Learning to ask more thought provoking questions and when to ask what takes practice. The more a salesperson has sales conversations the more their ability to do this will increase. I thought the concept of the 5 whys was interesting as well. Take a topic and ask why questions not necessarily 5 times, but until the person gets to the real pain a customer is dealing with. I think this is a super useful tool to getting to the root of someone’s issue and can be utilized a variety of settings. Overall, I found clarity to be an extremely important to finding the pain of customer. Pain is number one thing a salesperson is looking for and then using the understanding of that pain to see how a product meets the need to help the customer.

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