Clarity in sales is defined as, the capacity to help others see their situations in fresh and more revealing ways, and to identify problems they didn’t realize they had. Sales people used to be known as the problem solvers, but with the information symmetry this has now changed. Sales people are now problem finders.

Sales people are no longer just problem solvers, instead they focus on bringing the problem to light, framing it for the customer, then offering the solution. In the 21st century of sales, sales people should be skillful at hacking the pain, and finding creative problems.

To be able to frame problem, we need to fully understand what the customer’s pain is. To do this we look at a funnel dedicated to finding the root of pain. We need to early on ask a few key questions to get a broad understanding. Once we ask we need to listen and start to pick up on the pain, at this point we are exploring the surface pain. Once we have that we dig deeper to what the real pain is. From there we get to the implications and “the real why”, which is the true pain for the customer. This is a great funnel to give us an insight on how to find the problem and frame it.

2 thoughts on “Clarity in Sales”
  1. I agree that sales people are problem finders. As a sales person, you want to find the buyers issue and try to help solve that issue for them. It is our duty to make their life easier and if we can sell them that idea, it was a good sale.

  2. The concept of clarity is really interesting. The internet is a huge factor in the symmetry of knowledge. This is why salesman have to become problem framers. Framing problems is also super important for entrepreneurship, which makes it doubly important. Clarity is super important.

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