There are 6 main points when it comes to dealing with clarity in sales.  These main points help the seller become more successful, and more efficient in finding the issue with the prospect.  These points will help you move along in the conversation, make it go smoothly, and they will help make the prospect more comfortable talking to you about their pain points.

  1. Clarify other’s motives with two irrational questions

There is an assumption that all questions are created equal.  This is indeed false because questions can be created from a multitude of reasons.  By asking irrational questions, you are trying to spark behavior change by tapping into inner drives.  Most people think and behave in terms of grades, and scales if they have some resistance.  A great question to ask is “on a scale of 1-10….”.  This is a great tool to use because it allows people to be honest and accurate.  It can also expose an apparent no as a maybe.

2. Try a jolt of the unfamiliar 

Clarity is often achieved in contrast and comparison.  People can get caught up thinking in comparison to other things.  Whenever this happens, people often get into ruts.  Trying to talk about things unfamiliar will introduce a new topic and peak a persons interest.  Purposefully introducing change can lead to better comparisons which can lead to different results.

3. Become a curator

The challenge of accessing information has moved to curating it.  By doing this, it can put you in a better position and seem more helpful.  Whenever you seem more helpful, you will be viewed as a trusted advisor and consultant.  When you are knowledgeable in your field of work, it can give off the impression of a consultant that provides valuable advice.  Now because of this, you will win business in the process of doing so.

4. Learn how to ask better questions 

How effective you will be will depend on your ability to ask the right questions and at the right time.  To make sure that you are well prepared, you might want to write some questions down beforehand to better prepare yourself for when you are actually in the conversation.  You want to categorize your questions as open or closed ended questions to better prepare yourself.  Finally, you want to prioritize your questions so that you can pick your top three questions and stick with them.  After you pick your top three, you can finalize them and have full confidence going into the conversation.

5. Ask the 5 whys

By using the 5 whys approach, you are using the key strategy in moving through the pain funnel.  Asking why in response to each reply will help you get a better understanding of what the prospects pain really is.  This can connect with the problem the prospect brings to you, and help you realize that it is actually not the real problem.  It may take you multiple attempts to ask why, but in the end it is just as important to ask why as it is important to get a yes or a no.

6. Find the one percent

The one percent is the heart of what you are selling.  It is easy to get lost in the details of what you are selling and how you go about it.  Try to not let that be your main focus and try to get to the heart of what you are selling.  Once you find that one percent, stick with it, and find a way to communicate it to others.  Doing this will help you focus on what you are really trying to sell, and it will also help you go about it in the correct way.  At the end of the day, you are trying to solve the prospects pain.


One thought on “Clarity in sales”
  1. Clarity in sales is so important on both sides, for without clarity there is no understanding by either the seller or the buyer. Not only that, but it is hard to make a good sale if you do not have the clarity of mind to know even what you are trying to sell. This is a wildly well-done and well-laid out post. Fantastic job!

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