Clarity in sales refers to the capacity to help others see their situations in fresh and more revealing ways, and to identify problems they did not realize they had.  Conventional wisdom says that good salespeople are problem solvers.  In the digital age, however, due to information symmetry, (where the prospect and salesperson have the same level of information about the product or service in question, because of expanded resources like the internet,) and self-serve solutions, this is no longer the case.  Problem solving is less important, rather the real value of sales intermediaries lies in problem-finding.  This is especially true in instances where the client is confused, mistaken, or wrong.

The implications for sales then, is that it becomes a much more creative process, rather than an intellectual, deductive process.  Sales, in other words, becomes a creative discovery process.  Brainstorming becomes a very useful sales skill.  Clients these days are looking for unbiased business partners who can brainstorm with retailers who can help them uncover their true problems.  Identifying problems, in turn, becomes a methodology for moving others, or selling.

It is important for salespeople living in today’s world to stay up to date about what is effective, and what prospective clients are really looking for.  This is vital if the salesperson has any hopes of becoming successful.

One thought on “Clarity in Sales: Finding the Problem”
  1. It is very important to understand that finding the problem comes first. You must understand to be understood, so you must understand the problem in order to give a solution that can be understood.

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