In class we talked about clarity.  Sandler had many beneficial rules on this topic of things that I had never even thought about.  However, it was not one of his rules that hit me hardest, rather the definition of clarity as discussed in class.

Clarity was defined as: the capacity to help others see their situations in fresh and more revealing ways, and to identify probelms they didn’t realize they had.

Wow. Our whole lives we are taught to communicate clearly and speak clearly. Yet we are missing the whole point! Yes, clarity is partly on us.  However, it is more about the other person!  Clarity isn’t us as the salesperson telilng them what they should do, it is talking them into realizing the issue and then seeing how our solution is beneficial to them.

Rather than being a good problem solver, we need to turn into good pain finders. When we find pain, we are able to clearly communicate and show not tell the prospect that pain.  If we are able to do that, we will reach the definition of the clarity that is so powerful.

2 thoughts on “Clarity – Not for you, for the Prospect”
  1. I do believe that clarity is a huge part of selling. It is good to make both the problem and the solution clear to the person so that they understand the implications with which they are going in to make a deal. Clarity it crucial so that both parties understand each other’s viewpoints and motives.

  2. I love this perspective on clarity. It is not all about telling ourselves to focus more or to clear up a mess, but instead searching for a root problem. And being a good pain finder is exactly what 21st century salespeople need to be.

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