In our notes from this semester we discuss clarity in great detail during the sales process. yes, clearly explaining what your product is, how it works, and why someone is a great skill in but that’s not the kind of clarity we discussed

the clarity we discussed involves problem finding. we quoted the University of Chicago: “The quality of the problem that is found is a forerunner of the quality of the solution that is attained.” this talks about finding problems, not even solutions is an amazing skill. another quote we looked at talk about the discovery and creation of problems is better than having superior knowledge. we need problems before we can ever begin to look for answer.

clarity is a great skill for every salesman. any salesman who can intuitively find real problems has the best chance and answering them and closing the sale. many times people will ask questions that front their real problem. the best example is price, price isn’t always the main concern but it acts a an easy out or front. key question can lead to better responses and potentially closing the sale

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