Speaking from personal experience, developing relationships with prospective clients can be extremely difficult. Not only is it a challenge to gain access to the decision makers within an organization that you wish to talk to, but even when you do, holding their interest and selling them on the benefits of your product or service can prove to be even more difficult. As a founding member of a digital marketing company that is currently in the client acquisition phase, I know how disheartening it can be to be told, “I’m not interested” or “I don’t have time for this”, yet in spite of the difficulty, learning to quickly deliver information, ask open-ended questions, and selling someone on discussing what they need vs. what you have to offer is incredibly important. There are a variety of ways to go about honing your outreach skills, with things like creating scripts to follow on calls, writing down common questions or points of contention, having a CRM system in place, and several means of reaching a prospective client combine to create a powerful means of reaching people. Failure can be a part of life, however, choosing to adapt and overcome the challenges facing your business can lead to long-term success. Fail forward to achieve success.


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2 thoughts on “Client Prospecting and Related Challenges”
  1. Your point about failure is great! It’s good to be risk averse because that way it frees you up to do more things and try new things from different angles!

  2. That’s so great that you’ve been able to apply this to your own personal experiences. Being turned down can definitely be disheartening, but you guys will get the hang of it and find the prospects that are a good fit. It would be worse to settle for a prospect that’s not really a good fit just because you want to make a sale than to continue waiting for good fits.

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