In class, Professor Sweet talked about the relationship between selling and preaching. He mentioned that selling can be compared to preaching in a sense that a preacher communicates his message to an audience in a way that resonates to them. Much like preaching, salespeople attempt attain a target audience, make this audience aware of the need they are providing, and then effectively communicate a solution for that need. At its core, selling can closely model that of preaching.

This clip portrays Frank Caeti, the crazy Christian car seller, putting on some of his magic as he preaches his way to close the sale. Obviously this is just a funny skit of the selling process, however it does have a lot of truth in it. Preaching to your customer about the product that your selling is important because it shows that you stand behind your product. Belief in your product is crucial to gaining customer trust and loyalty. After attaining a target audience, explaining how you can provide a solution to their needs is essential.

3 thoughts on “Close that Sale, Amen!”
  1. Really cool example of what Professor Sweet explained to us in class. Preaching and selling definitely have similarities in the message you are trying to get across, and in the end help the customer.

  2. It’s interesting that you said sellers should actually “believe in their product.” I think this gets overlooked a lot. When sellers actually stand behind and are passionate about a product it leads to much better communication and selling.

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