When it comes to sales people, one of the most necessary traits that a sales person has to have is that they have to be good at closing a deal. Closing the sale is the most important aspect of negotiating. If a person spends hours upon hours trying to sell a product or service and they come away from the negotiating stage with nothing to show for, they have lost time and money. A person can know the product very well and be great at building up the product, but if they are unable to successfully close the sale, they are not going to be good sales people. 

4 Tips for Closing a Deal:

  • Know the customers budget.
  • Find out the customers budget early in the sales process.
  • Know the end goal of the customer.
  • Don’t negotiate until its time.

In order for a successful business deal to take place. A salesperson has to be patient through these stages of closing the deal. If a salesperson gets pushy and impatient at the end of the negotiating process, there is a chance that they will push away their customer. It is important for salespeople to manage their emotions and use positive body language. This will increase their chances of successfully orchestrating and closing a sale.


By PlantsAB1

Business Management Major

4 thoughts on “Closing the Deal”
  1. Great article. I personally found it very helpful! I liked the first point, “know the customers budget” I truly think that is one of the most, if not the most important points in closing a sale.

  2. Great article Austin. I really liked your point about being patient through the whole sales process. Not just being patient in listening to them and then jumping through negotiation, but also being patient in negotiating.

  3. I think these are great points. However, it is possible to combine the first and second point into one point, “1. Understand the customer’s budget first and foremost.” Though I agree that this point should be first on the list for many reasons: It’s a realistic sale to be made, the customer isn’t offended or embarrassed at the asking price, and you know what/what not to offer to them. This saves time and effort.

  4. I think it is important to have the customer inform you of their budget and for you not to assume their budget. As we have learned countless times, assuming things about the customers can lead you to saying the wrong thing. Assuming anything about a customer can be bad but assuming their financial positioning can put mental restrictions on you the salesperson. Keep all options open until you are informed of their budget.

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