In class we had the opportunity to listen to the brilliant Coach DiDonato talk to us about sales and his sales process. Coach DiDonato started out as a salesman who was selling various different medical equipment. He started off his lecture by doing a demonstration. In this demonstration he tried to get one of the students to sell him a pen. Now this demonstration wasn’t completely new to me. The movie Wolf of Wall Street made this example popular, but I have never actually tried the experiment. The point of the demonstration was to get the seller to ask questions and see what the buyer needs.

Coach DiDonato mentioned that trust is a major part of selling. He gave us the formula that Trust = ability + intent. He also gave us the four aspects of sales, which are: spiritive, social, mental, and physical. An example of these is selling someone on why they should come to Grove City College. Spiritive would focus on the religious aspect of GCC and play on the students’ own faith. Social aspect would ask questions about the student and see what they want from a social aspect of college. Mental would play on the academic side of things and see the students’ thoughts on the academics of Grove City. Finally, the physical aspect asks questions such as; Do you see yourself here?

The last thing that Coach DiDonato talked about was pre-call analysis. To help analyze a person needs to ask quality questions and ask general open ended questions. When you need awareness you can use specific probing questions to see where the customer is at. A phrase that Coach DiDonato shared the phrase, “features tell, benefits sell.” He was telling us not to strictly sell the features of whatever you’re selling, try to sell how the product will benefit the customer. The last thing that Coach DiDonato talked about was getting satisfaction from the customer. This means either asking for their business or gaining an agreement.

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