Coach DiDonato may be one of the most impressive individuals I have ever met. Their spirit flows strongly from him, and his passion for his work is inspiring. During my first year, I had the privilege of playing under a coach on the football team. While I never set football on the football field in a game, this fact became quickly irrelevant as the life lessons I learned from Coach and the team were far greater than any playing time or personal achievement. This past Wednesday, I especially enjoyed the coach’s talk because I realized how the coach had brought me to Grove City. I also realized that a coach is a great football coach and a great salesman. When he stated that his career in sales helped him recruit and rebuild the football program, everything came full circle. It was fascinating to reflect on my recruitment experience and realize that he had followed every point he made in class to help convince me to come here. My favorite part of non-sales selling and coach DiDonato’s style is that when you decide to go with a particular product or idea, it is your decision. Unlike aggressive sellers that may use guilt, intimidation, or fear, the situation always feels like it is solely in your hands.
Furthermore, as the coach described allowing the prospective recruit asks questions and comes to their conclusion, the student never feels the pressure of being sold anything. One last thing I liked about the coach’s formula was the final part which was ensuring some action would be taken. After so much effort, many people say thank you for your time and move on. On the contrary, the coach ensures some positive action is taken to continue to push the prospective recruit in the right direction toward hopefully deciding to come to Grove City College. Lastly, I would like to say thank you, Coach, for selling me on GCC!

2 thoughts on “Coach DiDonato- The Living Breathing Example Non-Sales Selling”
  1. It truly was a great lecture from Coach DiDonato! I also learned a lot about selling and how to apply it to other places in my life. I hope to talk to him more about sales!

  2. Coach Dido truly is one of the most inspiring people I’ve heard from and his story is something to be proud of. As a football player, it really is about the life lessons you learn during your time as an athlete. I agree with you about everything you said about him and am excited to hear more about his story.

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