Sandler explains how prospecting is required in order for a business to grow and succeed in the 7th rule on his list. Prospecting is widely hated among salespeople. The reason is because many rely on cold calling to reach new potential customers. I personally have never cold called anyone but in 8th grade I did go door to door selling cookie dough to raise money for an extracurricular activity. It is hard not knowing who will answer the door/call. My friend and I probably knocked on over 400 doors and only ended up selling about 200 tubs of dough. We got rejected more than half the time. Cold calling is a lot harder because more people are inclined to hang up or get upset over a phone call than two young kids standing on their front porch. This also puts into practice Sandler’s first rule. You have to learn how to fail in order to win. You may make 100 calls and only have success on 10 or 15. It teaches you how to accept failure and it is easier to take since it is not face to face. Prospecting also helps your sales skills because you are reaching out to potential customers that have little or no exposure to your company. Chances are that you will not have a high level of success while cold calling but when you do get a hit that does mean you should jump on it immediately. You must be selective and particular about who you decide to do business with. In our class lecture we talked about how the recipient of the cold call must qualify to do business with you. Just because they answer the phone and show interest does not mean they will be the best clients. Who you decide to call should also be particular. You are searching for qualified customers and those in your target market. Going through a phone book and selecting people to call is very inefficient, you must narrow down your market and do research in order to find the best candidates. Prospecting is kind of a drag and pushes many people outside of their comfort zones but it is necessary for businesses to expand and create opportunities.

4 thoughts on “Cold Calling”
  1. I have never done cold calling either but the rejection definitely makes your skin thicker! It also goes hand in hand with the “real you” vs. the “role you”.

  2. I am going to have to start some cold calling pretty soon for the business I’m starting and this has taught me that I need to make sure I do my research before I start so that it goes as efficiently as possible.

  3. That sounds like a tough experience! This past November I went on a canvasing trip with several other students from Grove City. Knocking on random doors can certainly be intimidating (some neighborhoods more than ever)! But like what Lindsey said, it’s important to remember the “role you” vs. “the real you.” When you get a door slammed in your face, it doesn’t feel good. But knowing that it’s nothing personal and moving onto the prospect is crucial for success.

  4. I can relate to cold calling and how tough it is … I love how in class we spoke about how you dont have to love cold calling you just have to do it! Such a great way to put it. It makes a financial difference if you put the effort in!

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