Why is cold calling important? Cold calling is the part of sales that every sales person dreads and loathes. Cold calling is when you call a business and just start selling. There’s no meeting pre-scheduled, no appointment, no warning. You just call and jump right in. It is a scary thing to do, mostly because rejection is a very possible outcome. People get angry with sales people that cold call. People are cutting into your day to tell you about a product that they might have absolutely no interest in. Seeing that this is such a hard thing to do, with no certainty of success, it seems odd that it still is such an important part of sales today. Dan Hudock spoke on this very topic. He spoke about the time when he cold called one of the major executives of a very successful company. He called the secretary and when she asked who he was, his answer was, just tell him it’s Dan. She continued to press and still his response was, just tell him it’s Dan. No last name, no information about how he knows this guy, yet she puts him through. The man answers and when he asked who he was and why he was calling, Dan told him he was calling from this company. The man freaked out he was furious, then Dan responded, “don’t you wish your sales people cold called the way I do?” That stuck. Sometimes cold calling doesn’t lead to a sale. However, it can lead to an impression of what your company is. It’s a way to get in the door to have a successful network.

One thought on “Cold Calling”
  1. I agree that cold calling can be scary because of the unknown. But it think there is pros and cons to cold calling. It can be very scary and time consuming but it gives you great practice.

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