On the internet, there are tips and tricks that provide helpful sales tactics, what to do, and what not to do. One article that is helpful for new or experienced salespeople is “3 Cold Calling Lessons from Disney’s Incredibles” written by David Walter.

The first point made comments on how detrimental it is to monologue during a sales conversation. If a salesperson begins to monologue and talk non-stop, there is an extremely high potential for the potential buyer to lose interest and become distracted. Walter highlights what causes monologuing. It is caused most often due to nervousness and the release of adrenaline. This causes a response of rapid speech patterns and forgetfulness.

Walters’s second point explains how to combat monologuing. He explains how using a breathing exercise during or before a cold call can help battle the urge to monologue. When you engage in breathing exercises you combat the adrenaline dumped into your bloodstream. When you feel anxious, take deep a few breaths, and then slowly exhale. He continues to add that a confidence-boosting mantra to whisper under your breath might help as well.

Finally, Walter suggests focusing on what you want. He explains that during a sales situation, one should never focus on what they do not want. When someone focuses on something, their mental energy is shifted toward that thought. In order to keep in mind the outcome that you want will allow you to move more freely toward that specific outcome away from what you do not want. This helps tremendously with being nervous and inevitably beginning to monologue.

At Walters conclusion, he expresses that one should not end up like a Disney evil villain who often gets tricked into monologuing. Use these tips above to set yourself up for success and combat nerves and the tendency to monologue.


Article Link: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/398242

One thought on “Cold Calling Lessons by David Walter”
  1. Great post Zack! You brought up a lot of fantastic points surrounding the process of cold calling. post I really agree with your perspectives. Good work!

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