Cold calling is among one of the best ways to get out of your comfort zone. This interaction puts us in a situation where we must improvise on the spot. We start to thrive if we can deal with sometimes awkward situations. I believe that whether it is cold calls or cold approaches, everyone needs some form of uncomfortable interaction to get over the hump. Whether you’re an introvert, extrovert or ambivert, everyone needs this. In entrepreneurship, we are constantly networking and ‘prospecting’ for new clients and connections, this means that there is a necessity to be able to talk with people off the top of your head quite often. We cannot always rely on a script, though sometimes it has its place. Overall, regardless of the turnover rate of cold calls, it is always beneficial to have done them so that you can branch out of your comfort zone, because once you’re out of it there’s no limits

4 thoughts on “Cold Outreach”
  1. I remember the first time I ever had to cold call. I was a junior in high school and we were selling ad space for a non profit that sold hand-powered vehicles for those with lower extremity disibilities in the third world called “Mobility World Wide.” They were putting on a car show and sold ad space to raise funds. We didn’t have so much as a call list to prospect from. I was SOO clunky and awkward on the phone and was always nervous to talk. But I kept doing it. Now I cold call almost daily for different parts of my jobs. It’s a learned skill! The only way to get good at it is to do it! Great article!

  2. I couldn’t agree more. Cold calling is not only a great way to improve your communication and improvisation skills, but it also helps you get out of your comfort zone and overcome any fears or doubts you may have about interacting with strangers. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or just someone looking to improve your social skills, practicing cold calls can be an incredibly valuable experience. So don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and embrace the discomfort, because that’s where growth and success truly lie.

  3. Overall, you provide a valuable perspective on the importance of cold calling and stepping out of one’s comfort zone. While cold calling may not always yield immediate results, the benefits of developing improvisational skills and building confidence can have long-lasting effects. It is important for individuals to embrace discomfort and take risks in order to grow personally and professionally.

  4. completely agree with your point! Cold calling or cold approaching can be uncomfortable and nerve-wracking for many people, but it’s also an excellent opportunity to develop your communication skills, build your confidence, and push yourself out of your comfort zone. These skills are essential in entrepreneurship, where networking and prospecting for clients and connections are critical to success. While scripts can be helpful, they should not be relied upon entirely since every interaction is different, and being able to improvise and adapt to unexpected situations is an important skill to have. Even if the success rate of cold calls may not be high, the experience gained can be invaluable in building your professional and personal growth. Stepping out of your comfort zone may be uncomfortable at first, but it can lead to growth and new opportunities that may not have been possible otherwise.

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