This article will outline how you handle a conflict of interests in a sale. Not all selling in your life will be selling a product of service to someone. Sometimes you will be selling your rental property to a tenant and you have to lay the ground rules and they do not agree. How do you handle this? My personal solution is that you be the bigger person, learn to calm people down, and don’t get stressed out.

First, you need to learn to be the bigger person. Some situations are ugly and no one wants to go through them but they are necessary for growth. IN this situation that we are saying, you may have a rule that is about a pet and they have a dog that they love. Sometimes it is okay to bend the rules and be the better person. Next, it is important to be able to calm people down because this will help you to find a solution quicker. When people are angry nothing productive happens and there is always arguments. But calmness will make people make wiser decisions and be able to be okay. Lastly, it is the most important to not get stressed out from a situation like this. Stress and anxiety are a terrible thing and no one should have to deal with them. So it is important to avoid them in this situation here too.

Overall, i think this simple topic will help to make your selling and sales life much easier. If you are able to follow the three steps that are, be the bigger person, be able to calm people down, and do not get stressed out you will be fine and have a great career selling in situations where there is a conflict of interest.

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