Introverts and extroverts. We all have different ways that we approach people and make connections. We all have different ways of doing business. There is one thing that both introverts and extroverts have in common though. They both need connections. Connections are one of the most important aspects to a businessman. You can do all of the work in the world in a sales context, but still not make the sale if you do not have the right contacts and connections. Building the skill of meeting and remembering people’s name and relations is an extremely valuable skill for as businessman to have. As a businessman, you will meet a lot of people in a lot of different fields of work. You will never know whether you will need to call upon that person for a favor or an opportunity. To have them in your memory bank and be able to produce their name and position is extremely important. For you to remember someone’s name and what they are involved in will make them feel impressed and makes them more apt to do business with you. Networking at events or mixers is a great way to expand your memory bank with personnel files. Take the opportunity at every party or gathering to talk to as many people as you can to see what interests them and what they like. Write down their names and a brief description of them if you need to, anything to remember. Having this arsenal of names and contacts is like a handbook for success in the business world.

2 thoughts on “connections”
  1. I am slowly learning this lesson more and more while I’m here at Grove City College. As an upperclassman I am treating all of these alumni events differently than I did my couple of years. And as I am just starting to make connections, I see some others ‘re-connecting’ at the same events because people took the time when they were underclassmen to make the initial connection. Connections are huge when it comes to finding a job, or potential customer or investor.

  2. Relationships just aren’t the most important part of sales/referrals, they are the most important part of life. Accordingly, salespeople can reap the most benefit from relationships and connections. Awesome post, Schamberg.

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