After reading one of the blogs presented by one of our classmates, I couldn’t help but share my thoughts about the topic of nervousness.  The blog spoke volumes to me not only in regards to the professional side of things, but in relation to golf as well.  Conquering the nerves is critical when trying to perform to your fullest potential.  As a golfer, I know a little about how crucial it is to master the mental side of things.  One of my favorite quotes about golf comes from none other than the world’s best, Jack Nicklaus.  He says, “Golf is 90% mental, 10% physical, and 10% more mental.”  The mental aspect of golf is touched upon day-in and day-out because it’s the most important aspect of the game.  The greatest golfers ever to step foot on the planet are some of the top players because they have the capability to master their nerves.

Drawing back to sales, when conversing with a potential customer, signs of nervousness can have serious consequences.  Getting in the mindset that you’re going to conquer this conversation and cancelling out the nerves not only shows the prospect that you are confident, but that you know what you’re talking about.  This coincides with serving their wants and desires as well.  If you show signs of nervousness, people are less inclined to want to do business with you because of the lack of the professionalism.  So the next time you are about to enter a high-pressure situation, cancel out those nerves and be confident!

3 thoughts on “Conquering Anxiety”
  1. Tying nervousness to the appearance of lacking professionalism makes a lot of sense. Unfortunately, nerves are so hard to control. It takes experience and practice and telling yourself not to take things so seriously. Confidence also helps nerves as this post states. This post makes some great points.

  2. This was a good post, I would loved if it went into some more ways to combat nerves. However, the relationship between nerves and professionalism was very insightful.

  3. The mental strength it takes to play golf is certainly applicable to sales and to life in general. Attempting to overcome nerves can lead us to stressful situations but, in the end, building resilience and mental strength are what gets you through the job!

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