I read this article about how to control a sales conversation as the salesperson. The author, James Meincke, provides tips in controlling the conversation that would help the salesperson control the conversation. But before getting into the tips Meincke explains that the approach that should be taken should look something like this; “first diagnosing the prospect’s problems early in the sales process. Then, the sales representative recommends a solution for the problem and explains why the proposed solution addresses the prospects’ needs. When using the solution selling approach, the sales representative needs to be focused on value. Getting derailed by price concerns and other things the prospects raise can be detrimental to this approach.” Getting derailed is one of the biggest problems in a sales conversation and that’s why it’s so important to control the conversation as the salesperson. Here are the tips that the author provides to deal with this problem.

Early in the process, identify and understand the prospects major pain points and aspirations. The salesperson needs to be skilled in asking the right questions to discover the major pain points for the prospect. This is an important first step because when you start to notice the conversation getting derailed you can always go back to the main pain points that you have already discovered. In an addition in finding the pain points, also find their aspirations which means to find what they aspire to achieve. This will help in getting a better picture of your prospect.How to Control a Conversation Without Saying Much at All | by Dave Schools  | Forge

Create an action plan for the sales process. Give them a step-by-step process in how the process will be carried out. Create structure so you and the prospect are on the same page. It would be helpful to consult your action plan periodically rather to remind yourself and the prospect. With this plan in mind, you are going to go into every sales conversation with a clearly defined plan and goal. This will help you stay focused, and it will help keep the process moving along. Also, its best to have a couple of minor goals that you would like to achieve just in case you don’t achieve the big goal you are still moving along.

Subtly guide the conversation, but don’t simply recite a sales script without alteration. Shift the conversation towards value. Be a subtle as you can in the conversation because the prospect knows when you are just reading from a script. So, be natural in steering the conversations and acknowledge what the prospect is saying but redirect the conversation towards value.

Encourage your prospect to ask questions by providing just enough information to raise their interests. This is important when it comes to telling them about your product and what value you can bring them. You don’t just want to talk about what you can do for them, so allow them to ask question about what you do by subtly providing interest in what they are needing.

Don’t be afraid to challenge your prospect on occasion. People who want to buy something from someone else want a business partner not a yes man. So, challenge the prospect on the beliefs/perspective of their main pain points. Then use language that encourages your prospect to think about how your solution can help them to succeed. You can do this by using language of success early on and help the prospect to visualize the value that your solution offers to them.


3 thoughts on “Controlling a Sales Conversation”
  1. Hey there nice post. Controlling a sales conversation is very important to being able to have a healthy successful sales experience. If the buyer can feel comfortable and safe while being sold to it can be very beneficial for success.

  2. The best type of saleperson in the challenger, and this is when they are able to question their client in ways that make them understand what they want through asking good questions and getting their trust. The challenger differentiates themselves by figuring out what the best possible solution is for their client.

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