Funny story time…

While I was studying for our sales test, I made little stories, or associations for each rule/core concept to something I would remember. For Core Concept #6: Don’t buy back tomorrow what you sold today, I kept thinking of the song Baby Got Back and I just switched the words around to Baby aint got BuyBack. Kind of stupid, but hey, I remember core concept #6!

On a more serious note though, I really appreciated this rule. For this class, I haven’t really been convinced that Sales isn’t a mildly deceptive art. In the end, I think it’s always going to be about what is best for the salesperson. If it is a win-win, that’s just a bonus. This rule, however, was one thing that peaked my interest when it came to true equality in the sales process.

If sales people really did adhere to this rule, and try to talk customers out of their purchase, then that customer must really want what they got. While I still think this still has a tiny bit of selfishness wrapped up in it, I think it is a good rule of thumb for sales people who want to look out for their customers.

By Webbng1

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