Have you ever met a salesperson that really wows you? Someone who not only has the answers to the questions that you have, but also someone that you feel you can relate to and connect with. As a buyer, this makes you much more likely to buy the product being sold, instead of buying from a salesperson who isn’t easy to connect to or as factual.  It is no coincidence the salesperson can relate to you like this, because they are good at what he or she does. There are a few specific things that a salesperson can do that will help them make the sale:

The first thing that a salesperson can do when trying to make a sale is to do homework on the companies they are selling to ahead of time. This gives the salesperson the ability to understand who he or she is selling to and it also helps the salesperson to understand why their product is beneficial to the customer. This homework also helps the salesperson to be able to answer questions that the customer might have because the salesperson understands the benefits that the product has to the customer. This knowledge shows the salesperson has taken the time to get to know the customer, and the customer sees that action.

The second thing that a salesperson can do when trying to make a sale is find a point of connection with the customer. Find a way to get to know the customer outside of the sale because this helps the salesperson to show a genuine interest in the prospect. It also gives the salesperson a chance to communicate naturally and to get a feel for the other party in the process. The customer will be able to say that they can trust you and they can see that you are real and authentic. These points of connection can help the salesperson find natural networks where potential prospects can build relationships with the salesperson.

One thought on “Cultivating Leads and Building a Rapport”
  1. Well said Kenny. Building rapport and trust are very key to make a successful sale. Some sales processes, even if they lead to sales, can lead to customers feeling uneasy afterwards. A successful sales process will lead to a sale AND a satisfied customer.

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