My dad has sold Classical Christian Curriculum my whole life. Ever since I was a kid I saw how much he poured into his product. He saw the need for schools to have an in depth curriculum with classic literature and biblical takes on popularized secular books. He wrote and wrote, giving up his time and money to ensure that he fixed this problems for parents and the education system as a whole. Once he finished the series, he had it sold through a company. When me and my siblings grew up, we all got jobs helping to sell that curriculum from anyone like a homeschool mom to a large private school. We would pick up the phone and ask them what they wanted for their children and how we can help make that possible for them.

My dad would often go and talk to potential clients and explain his vision. From the awareness of the need for a better curriculum, to creating his own version with the books and teachings that he thought were most important, to finally selling that product and taking action on all the work he had put together. In class we talked about curating and how that process goes from awareness to interpretation to action and by thinking back I realized my dad followed this sales process to a T.

One thought on “Curating”
  1. It is cool to hear about real life experiences you and your family had with this selling technique. It is interesting that after seeing your father do this with his clients in a real world example, and then for you to later learn about it once in college and to see what your father was doing and that he followed it well is really cool.

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