The further I go into this sales class the more I realize that sales are only as complicated as the people you are selling to. All the tricks we find in our sales book, we already use in daily life to better understand our friends and family. The only difference is the more formal business environment. It is this formal environment, that sometimes makes us forget that we are just dealing with people.

Just like in daily life prospect’s may approach you with a problem but not tell you all the details, the full truth, or even their motivations behind asking certain questions. Sometimes the prospect might not even know the true pain that he or she is trying to solve. That is why, Sandler rule number 38 reminds us that “The problem the prospect brings you is never the real problem” and reminds us that sales should have a healthy amount of skepticism.

It can be very hard to weed out all the misinformation and get right down to the heart of the matter. Never the less it is the job of the sales person to uncover the true pain of the customer and show why his or her product can create a mutually beneficial transaction between them.

Although it may seem like, the only way to do this would be mind reading. Our class has shown that, just like talking to a friends and family about problems they are going through, it is really through asking the right question and developing a sense of trust in the client that allows sales people to get to the heart of the matter.

One thought on “customers are just people”
  1. You make some really good points here! Finding the pain that your customer is feeling is the most important part of the conversation. Sometimes, the problem that the prospect says he/she is feeling is not the biggest problem they have.

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