The former GCC graduate Evan Adams gave a brief couple of lectures in the Sales and Startups class over the past few weeks. Evan is currently employed by the popular restaurant seating app No Wait. However, our class had come to find out, No Wait was acquired by Yelp for approximately 40 Million Dollars. All said and done it sounded as if No Wait was rather thrilled with the acquisition. Back in February when Evan gave his first lecture, we heard a slightly different story. This was of course before the Yelp deal took place, Evan gave his side of the story and how he came to find No Wait. While most people like to paint a picture and portray a fake smile and act as if everything is all good on the outside, Evan gave us the straight facts about the begging of No Wait and the struggles the company had to endure. The road to success is not an easy one the class had come to find out. For example, Evan told us how when his friends and himself went out, all he could swing was a bagel and some water. His life was on a very low income budget, but he had hope. Throughout the following years the No Wait app took storm and now is all over the map in restaurants across the country. The Evan Adams success story is a story that gives any young, driven entrepreneur hope. One of the last remarks Evan left us with was that as long as we truly believe in a startup and its mission, anything is possible. Evan is now one of the leading salesman at No Wait and has had an impact ever since he stepped in the door the first day. While the path may not be the most exciting and easy journey to take, the rewards down the path that follow from hard work are.

2 thoughts on “Dealing With Tough Times”
  1. I agree that Evan Addams inspires hope in any entrepreneur he encounters! His story is both encouraging and hope-giving in his perseverance and commitment to his passion and goals.

  2. It’s been awesome to have Evan come and speak in class! And it’s a great reminder that you have to really work to achieve true success!!

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