In sales, you must be the listener when either meeting a potential client/cold calling. The main goal is to figure out as much information as possible from the potential clinet rather than giving all the information about the service or product I am selling. The key is to listen as much as possible, let the conversation get a little awkward with silence, just so they speak about something more in depth. Another great skill is to learn how to answer a question with a question. This deflects a concern they might have to bouncing if back ti them with a question to allow for them to go deeper into the concern they have. In a sales convesation if the sales person is the one talking too much and the customer/client is just sittng and listening, the sale will never get done. Most likely they are not even listening and just want the call to be over with.

3 thoughts on “Discussion 3”
  1. Nice post Nate! Being a listener is a key skill in life in general, not just sales. As a parent, friend, brother, son, etc. calls for an elite level of listening skills for success. In terms of selling, keeping your client talking and letting them see you intently listening is important!

  2. Hey Nate, great post! In order to grow as salesperson and individual, listening to others is key. No one want to be a part of a conversation where only one side is talking. Being able to actively listen and respond to others is a great feature.

  3. Great stuff, Nate! It is so important to be a listener in the world of sales. When you’re just talking the entire time, you might as well be talking to a wall. Nobody wants to listen to a whole spiel that doesn’t pertain to their interests.

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