Possibly the most difficult part of selling is the ability to not make an assumption about what a prospect is thinking. Sandler’s rule 13 is “No Mind Reading.” When selling, it is common for the salesman to jump a conclusion based off of certain words said by the prospect. The ability to sift through the responses and figure out what the prospect is thinking is key to being a good salesman, but can also get you in trouble. When a prospect is listening to what you have to offer, they might tell you what you want to hear, and act very interested but in their minds are thinking “I have no need for this.” A good salesman will recognize this as a possibility and not jump to any conclusions, because he understands that his assumption of what the prospect is thinking, could be completely opposite to the truth. An easy way to remember never to assume when making a sale is in this video. https://youtu.be/svkgOsr7pUc

2 thoughts on “Do Not Assume”
  1. This is definitely a tough thing to discern. I think there is a fine line between not assuming too much, but also letting the customer feel like you understand very well what they’re saying. So I think some response and quickly picking up what they’re saying is good, but not too much.

  2. I agree. Networking is key to sales. One has to has to maintain a high standards of integrity in order to build trust and relationships. Making sure you your product is actually something they value. Ask them if they use certain products and tell them you sell that product or service too. Then shut up and see if they want to know more about it. if they do then go ahead answer with a question or short answers.

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