Today, the internet has made the customers more savvy and able to easily see when they’re being “sold”. The traditional role of salespeople has gone out the window, and we are seeing the emergence of a new breed of salespeople. Instead of doing everything in your power to sell a product or service, salespeople today are more focused on building relationships, listening to and understanding the customer, and giving honest recommendations, advice, and expertise. People tend to be more likely to buy from someone they know, like, and trust.

Additionally, salespeople are overlapping with marketing more and more. It is becoming more and more important that marketing and sales work together very closely and learn from each other. Together, they should work towards getting customers interested and creating awareness, then working towards a sale.

While we probably all agree that the traditional sales role is no longer, we are beginning to see the emergence of a different type of sales in today’s business world. Despite that, there is still a need for sales people, just a different type of sales people.

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