In class yesterday we talked about truly caring about our client and how it is exposed in face to face conversations. In a broken world we tend to get caught up with our own personal problems/struggles, we could care less about what is going on in other people’s lives and what personal problems they have. In sales, many people are always about the closing and getting the deal done (that’s great, only until it goes to the extent of doing it no matter the cost => which leads to taking advantage of your client, just to get the deal). So far in this class, we know that sales is one of the hardest career paths to take in the business world, we are dealing with human interaction and gauging others into conversations. I’ve learned that the best salespeople are the ones who truly care about their clients problems and want to provide them a solution that will help them. If you really want what’s best for your client and you hear about the problem that you know you don’t have a solution for, you will turn them and down and be outright transparent with them and tell them it won’t work out. You may not have gotten the sale, but you showed your character and that builds trust for future clients that are too come. It doesn’t matter that you got the sale, what matters is how you got it. Both the seller and the customer should benefit from the deal that is being made.

2 thoughts on “Do You Truly Care about Your Client? Self or Others?”
  1. Absolutely agree! Genuine care for clients goes a long way in sales. It’s refreshing to hear someone emphasize the importance of ethical practices over closing deals at any cost. In a world often focused on the bottom line, your insight about transparency and turning down deals when necessary speaks volumes about integrity. Building trust through honesty and showing genuine concern for clients’ problems creates a foundation for long-term relationships. Your perspective aligns with the idea that success in sales isn’t just about the sale itself but about the manner in which it’s achieved. Kudos for recognizing the significance of character in this challenging yet rewarding career path!

  2. Great insight, yes, truly caring for others and what others have to say is probably functionally the biggest factor in selling. The art of listening and even regurgitating their wording back to them is so key to creating a sales opportunity and truly finding out if a lead is a good option for what you are attempting to sell. I like how you brought up the win-win factor, I think that no matter the case it is best if the customer gets what they want and is satisfied, and the seller sells what he/she believes is in the best interest of the customer.

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