Taylor Starcher and her dad, David Starcher, are quite the father-daughter duo when it comes to making bold decisions as salespeople to gain success. Taylor, now a flourishing freelance photographer specializing in commercial, candid lifestyle, travel, and dog photography, was once a Grove City College student herself. However, she explained how college was more of something she felt like she “had” to do, and really took it as more of a social experience rather than prioritizing her studies, she admitted. When it came to be her senior year, and those around her began making job plans for the next chapter, Taylor simply couldn’t see herself working for people. She didn’t want to be stuck at a desk for 8 hours a day being told what to do. She saw something bigger in store for herself that perhaps her friends and family couldn’t see. David Starcher, on the other hand, is a National Sales Manager at Keystone Ridge Designs, the successful family-owned business. However, he too had a stubborn personality in his college days. He explained how he once called a company in regard to a job position, he was not chosen for, letting them know they’d made a big mistake. Long story short, they ended up hiring him. Perhaps Taylor gets her ambition from her dad, as they both seem to have a “let’s proof them wrong” mentality when things don’t seem to be going right. I think this is important for successful salespeople. You must be at least willing to go for it. What if Taylor gave up on doing dog photography when those around her doubted her? Would she be working that dreaded desk job she always swore she’d avoid? She’s managed to build an entire social media presence based solely around her “dog mom” lifestyle, and she’s done so in a unique way that has gained the attention of a large audience. With the help of her father, she’s learned to not settle for less than what she knows her content and work is worth. Again, not something that is easy in the sales world. I really enjoyed listening to this duo share about their individual career journeys and the lessons they’ve learned along the way. They are both a great representation of where the right drive, aspiration, and confidence can lead you as an entrepreneur and salesperson.

2 thoughts on ““Dogtographer?””
  1. It is very interesting how Taylor incorporates sales into her business of dog photography. Taylor at the start of her business had to reach out to companies on her own to get brand deals. She had to use many sales skills when she negotiated prices with the big companies. Nowadays she lets the brands come to her because of her big following on Instagram.

  2. Taylor Starcher and her Dad make a great duo. I enjoyed listening to them in class. Their story, especially Taylors, shows the importance of determination, aspiration, and confidence in entrepreneurship and sales. Its cool how their “prove them wrong” mentality has driven their success.

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