Last Friday in class we did some role plays about selling our product or our company. In this role play, I had to sell my moms olive oil to professor Sweet who was a Italian store owner. Unfortunately, this was a struggle for me because instead of getting Professor Sweet talking, I did most of the talking describing my product and the benefits of it. I did not follow one of the important steps in Coach Dedinados sales funnel which was let the prospect do most of the talking by asking them open ended questions. I should’ve done this by asking the Professor Sweet questions like: How long has he been in business, how many locations does he have, has he himself been to Italy before, Etc. These questions would have been a smart way to get him talking while simultaneously make a connection with him which will improve our overall relationship. After the sales role play, Professor Sweet told us that we shouldn’t jump the gun in selling by answer the unasked question. This means don’t jump the gun and start answering questions about your product that the prospect has not even asked yet.

I think doing the sales roleplay was very valuable because it showed me that I need to ask open ended questions and keep the prospect talking and engaged.

One thought on “Don’t Answer the Unasked Question”
  1. You did a good job in class. I have been doing interview for Lean Launchpad so I can relate on not asking close-ended question. I did lose few points but I learn that the conversation can be so smooth and informative if I asked open-ended question. So definitely a valuable skill to have.

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