The average person associates salespeople with flimsy and corrupt people trying to pull a fast one. Here are a few tips to bring your sales style away from those common mistakes.

  1. Thinking that your sales “presentation” will seal the deal. You should always be helping the prospect discover the best reasons to buy from you – not telling them why they should. The prospect should know that they’ll be buying from you long before you present your final pitch or proposal.  (Sandler Rule #15)
  2. Talking too much. One of the oldest Sandler philosophies is the 70/30 rule. While salespeople believe that they should be all the talking, they should really be listening to figure out what they true problem the customer is facing. (Sandler Rule #14)
  3. Over-educating the prospect when you should be selling. Instead of overwhelming the customer with petty details, the initial goal in selling should be to find out why, and under what circumstances, the prospect will buy from you. (Sandler Rule #21)
  4. Keeping your fingers crossed that a prospect doesn’t notice a problem. Instead of trying to pull a fast one over your mark, be open and honest with the customer. The prospect will respect that you “came clean” and together you can problem-solve, building a solidifying team approach to the issue. (Sandler Rule #23)
4 thoughts on “Don’t be Sleazy”
  1. I agree with the idea of not being a sleazy sales man. I love the Sandler Rule that talks about listening. It is key to listen to your customer. If you don’t, you will never be able to figure out what they want.

  2. Great post! I think your fourth point is so important. Honesty with potential customers is crucial to maintaining a healthy and trustworthy relationship!

  3. All of these points are so important to making the sale! Listening to who is buying from you is what will strengthen that relationship with the customer and honesty will make that sale follow through.

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