When trying to make a sale, a lot of salesman will try the approach of get in, make the deal and get out. This sales method can be effective and can be quicker than the sales method many salesmen are moving to. But this new sales method may appear slower and less effective than the old get in, make a deal and get out method, in the long run will probably be more effective and save yourself time and energy. This alternative way of selling is based on the principle of helping the client with what you are selling so that you do not have to deal with an unhappy customer.  Sandler’s Core Concept #6 says, “Don’t by back tomorrow the product or service you sold today. To follow this concept, a salesperson must be willing to focus on helping the customer and not on earning a profit. They must put the customer’s needs before their own. When they go into a sale, they should pitch their product in away that shows the benefits of helping the customer, but when it comes time for a decision a good salesperson will let the customer say no and allow for the prospect to back out. This will allow the customer to really see if they want the product and will also provide a more comfortable sales experience for the customer. This puts no pressure or time restriction on the customer, but rather, flips the table on the customer and allows them to pursue you for your product, which is every salespersons ideal customer. And finally, if the product is not for the customer and they back out of the deal before they bought it, you saved yourself and the customer a lot of headache in the returning of the product.

2 thoughts on “Don’t Buy Back Your Product”
  1. Great post. I think it comes right down to one of the most important factors in sales but one that is often overlooked. If you and a prospect aren’t the right fit, say so! It is to the benefit of you and the other person.

  2. From my past experiences, I have found that a sales pitch driven by profit always fails. I feel most comfortable when the seller genuinely cares about my need and wants to build a relationship outside of the price tag.

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