One of the core concepts that we have learned lately is Core Concept #6 – Don’t buy back the product tomorrow that you sold today.  This is an important concept in my mind because it saves you from a lot of back and forth uncertainty in the sales process.  Sales can be a business that does not provide a lot of reliability already, and you don’t want to have to do lots of backtracking on products you recently sold.

I think one of the ways to avoid having to do this is to be certain when you are pushing and convincing clients on what to do, that you don’t push them further then you should.  If you are talking to someone who does not have the power to make a decision without approval, you don’t want to try to push them to make this decision just because you are pressuring them.

It also is important because if you are selling a physical product or sometime along the sort, you don’t want to have to sell a product that has already been open or slightly used that you could potentially lose some revenue if you have to sell it under some sort of secondhand or discount model.

2 thoughts on “Don’t Push Bad Decisions”
  1. It is a great point and additional Taylor, I would like to add the fact that it may reduce buyer’s remorse. I always question my decisions after I buy it, but I feel that salesperson does their job and makes me confident in my decision I have less of that. I have gone furniture shopping with my parents before and I really connected with the process becasue it was for new living room furniture. At the end of the sale,the salesperson was very reassuring and made us feel like we got a good deal. Just that verbal confirmation alone reduced my buyer’s remorse. If the salesperson can make a suggestion with confidence, there is no fret that the buyer should be worried.

  2. Yeah I agree buyer’s remorse is a huge deal. I think a reason why this happens is because people get suckered into something they don’t want. They then realize that they made this terrible mistake and they don’t want the product. That is why the needs discovery phase is so important. You need to know that your product your selling will in fact satisfy their needs. If not your wasting your time and their time.

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