In class, we were tasked to get into groups of 2-3 and go out of the classroom and sell rubber ducks for the Okie and ABT event: the Ducky Derby. If your group was able to raise the most money and sell the most ducks, then you got to go out with Professor Sweet and have a wing night. As we got into groups, my partners and I decided that we needed to come up with a strategy, a strategy that was better than our competitors. Our strategy was to go to professors, since they’re the ones that have real jobs and make real money. We knew the professors would donate the most. As we went around Hal, we would tell the professors what the Ducky Derby was, why the ABTs and Okies were raising money, and if they would like to donate anything, even a dollar would help. We knew that a lot of other groups went to places like the library, the dorm rooms, etc., but asking students wasn’t the best idea since college students don’t have much to give.

With this activity, my group and I were able to apply what we’ve been learning about sales and actually use it in real life. It was such a fun idea, and it also raised money for a great cause. Also, my group ended up getting 2nd place!

2 thoughts on “Ducky Derby-post 6”
  1. This project was so fun! It was definitely uncomfortable at times, but it worked out! Our plan to target professors definitely paid off, as they have money and love the school. This was one of my favorite classes from the entire semester, just because we got to put what we have been learning to practice.

  2. I had such a wonderful time being on your team (and winning a wing night!). I am glad we took the time to come up with a strategy of selling our ducks – both in how we would pitch it and who we would target. This definitely taught me that, while we can’t control the actual conversation, we can work to be prepared before the conversation begins.

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