Jim and Dwight from “The Office” are known for their iconic pranks and fighting throughout the show’s nine seasons. Jim even pranked Dwight with fake sales calls and fake interviews, but what many people don’t realize is that Jim and Dwight were actually amazing salesmen and had their pitch down perfectly.

In this pitch, Jim and Dwight are trying to sell to a business and they knew exactly how to differentiate from their less expensive competitors. Jim and Dwight gave a small pitch, let the perspective customer shut them down saying, “I appreciate what you guys are saying, but it makes more fiscal sense to go with one of the big guys.” Jim and Dwight both acknowledged this fact and even agreed, but then asked an extremely good question, “How important to you is customer service?” The buyer said it was extremely important. As the sales pitch was happening, about halfway through Dwight had called the customer service line of a big supplier, and still hadn’t gotten to speak to a rep. He pointed out that they had been on hold the whole time, then Jim called Dunder Mifflin, and customer service picked up immediately and sounded happy to be talking.

In this short but classic sales pitch it shows that even if you have higher prices, and several other disadvantages to other sellers, if you stick to what sets you apart, you have a chance. Jim and Dwight showed how they differentiated from the other sellers, and they earned the customer’s business because of it. If you know your product/service and how it differentiates, you could sell almost anything.



4 thoughts on “Dwight and Jim’s Best Sales Pitch”
  1. I’ve only seen bits of the Office, but this one scene really stood out to me. I remember watching it and really appreciating the quality of their pitch, even though I did not know anything about sales at the time.

  2. This is one of the best scenes in the whole show. Excellent tag-team sales pitch from the show that demonstrates how important customer service is to the customer. Nice post!

  3. This is a wonderful scene from “The Office” and is very applicable to sales today as well. I love that you tied the show to real world sales as they are both very similar despite the television show being a comedy. This was a really good post and an excellent post on the importance of sales.

  4. This clip is very relatable to sales today. Jim and Dwight were great salesmen and had a great pitch for their customers. They showed the customer what made them different from their competitors. Not only do customers care about the product, but they want to work with a reliable business that is convenient like Dunder Mifflin’s customer service.

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