I have been an active seller on eBay since 2016 and have learned a lot about sales over this time. In 2020 I began a focused business venture based on the selling knowledge that I had accumulated in the prior 4 years of selling on the platform. Something I had discovered was that, especially with technology products, buyers on eBay are generally very knowledgeable in the product they are buying

The specific business venture that I began in 2020 was a smartphone refurbishing business where I purchased old and non-functional smartphones in bulk from various suppliers (usually around 100 units at a time) and then repaired the salvageable devices with parts from the non-salvageable ones. The fully functional phones are then sold to recuperate the expense of the bulk purchases and generate profit in order of most to least valuable. The parts of the remaining devices are also sold separately to maximize my profit. This model worked quite well for my business and I was able to scale the business to generate sizable revenue after a couple months.

This business model requires that I maintain a great deal of knowledge of the smartphones that I am selling since I am also repairing both the hardware and software. Accordingly, my knowledge generally exceeds that of the buyers on the platform when they begin their search for a new smartphone. I have found that the best way to improve sales numbers is to provide all of the information that I have about the phones I am selling and to provide guidance on where to begin their research to better parody my own knowledge. This is effective for two reasons: first, it gives the buyer the impression of transparency and, second, once the buyer has better educated themself on the phone that they are buying they realize that the information I have provided is much more extensive and useful than other sellers. as a result they trust my listings more than those of other sellers.

April, May, and June represent the first three months of this business venture where each horizontal line is $1,000 in revenue
2 thoughts on “eBay Business and Information Parody”
  1. First off I think that it is awesome that you can disassemble and reassemble phones. Second I think that your insight on the importance of transparency is very valuable, especially in today’s market where most buyers have prior knowledge or at least a working knowledge of the product it is best not to try to deceive them.

  2. I think it’s great that you use eBay for your smartphone refurbishing business. I’ve never tried using eBay before, but I’ve always wanted to try it out. Also, I’m a very visual person, so I appreciated the graph that you included at the end of your article. It helped me visualize your business model.

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