This past Friday our class had the opportunity to hear from Evan Adams.  A Grove City College grad, as well as a top sales associate from the trail blazing app “NoWait,” it’s safe to say Evan knew a great deal about sales.  We heard about his personal trials and triumphs as a post graduate in the world of sales in the start-up industry, and learned helpful interview tips.

Before I continue with the post I must admit something.  I am your typical “Type A” person.  My soul literally feels at peace when I am cleaning and organizing, Linked In is my favorite social media platform, and if I could I would plan out every step of my life.  Naturally I have been thinking about my life as a post graduate since the moment I stepped foot on campus as a freshmen, so when the topic of interviewing tips came up, my heart skipped a beat.

Towards the end of class Evan was asked the golden question, “what is the key thing you look for when interviewing potential sales employees?” His answer; emotional intelligence.  Emotional Intelligence is the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judicially and empathically.  In other words, emotional intelligence is the key to both personal and professional success.

In case your curious, attached is a link to a FREE quiz to measure your level of emotional intelligence!

3 thoughts on “Emotional Intelligence”
  1. I think that you and I have more in common than we think! Definitely the epitome of a Type A person. But emotional intelligence is so important and being in tune not only our emotions but also with the customers, it will make for the best possible sales situation. Great post!

  2. I am SO type A and such a planner that sometimes I think that is all that is important. To me, just getting things done and productivity is the most important, so maybe I should work on some emotional intelligence too! Thanks for the link!

  3. Grace-

    This speaks a lot of truth. Personally, i think you have a ton of emotional intelligence. I am going to take the quiz to see what i get. I am definitely a Type A person as well!

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