In class we discussed how when entrepreneurs are starting to create their own business, they must wear multiple different hats. And one of those hats, is the salesman hats. I have recently been exposed to this greatly because my mom and my aunt have started their own olive oil business. They import olive from their home town in Italy, and then sell it here to people in the United States. The reason why they started this business is they found that people in our area have a taste for something a little higher quality than the normal olive oil they buy in stores, and they realized they wanted to continue my grandmothers legacy. Back before my mom imigrated to the US, she and my aunt would work on my grandmothers olive grove that she owned in thier hometown. After all these years, they want to continue the legacy and keep providing the best extra virgin olive oil around!


WIth this new found business, my mom and my aunt have to wear many hats and not only have to sell the olive oil, but they have to sell themselves. My mom and my aunt use their backstory as well as their background to help sell their business to new customer. Telling their story helps create a connection with the customers which helps create the sale. Seeing my mom and aunt create this business have make an impressive profit over the last 6 months has been a great first hand experience to the world of entrepreneurship! I can’t wait to see what else is in store for them!

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