Having gone through this class, I was curious to explore what Myers-Briggs personality type would be the best at sales. ESFJ is the big ticket winner according to business.com.

  1. Extroverts – Energized by people, enjoy multiple tasks, quick-paced
  2. Sensors – Realistic people, focused on facts and details, apply common sense and past experience to come up with practical solutions
  3. Feelers – Sensitive and cooperative, make decisions based on personal values and impact on others
  4. Judgers – Organized, prepared, stick to plans, comfortable following most rules


While we spoke about how introverts actually have an advantage over extroverts when it comes to listening and understanding, this particular extrovert considers others important. They are feelers. They’re sensitive to others needs and problems which makes them great listeners. They’re good at discovering problems–which is something that we’ve really emphasized in class.

The one thing these myer’s briggs personality tests don’t tell you is how people handle rejection. This, I think, is a big part of being in sales, and can really make or break a person as a salesperson. What do you think? Is there a better personality for sales, or did I do a pretty good job. Do you think they way people process rejection is based off of personality traits or is it just how they were raised?

By Webbng1

One thought on “ESFJ–The Best Salesman”
  1. This is a great post! I could really see some of my ESFJ friends being great salespeople because they are empathetic people who are great listeners!

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