Last week I was in Estero Florida and my Uncle and I went to a Flee market. This flee market has over six hundred stalls and thousands of people walking in and out all day. Some stalls had very nice stuff and other stalls was just random junk. There was just chaos all around, people were walking up trying to get you to hold their product, so you have to buy it, or asking if you needed your nails and hair done and to come sit down to talk. A lot happening at once.

We were walking through everything to find were local art was being sold. As we were approaching the art display, an elderly woman came up to me and asked if I wanted my ring clean…I wasn’t even wearing any rings. She also wasn’t even looking at me, she was just looking to next women behind me. She just kept asking the same question repeatedly. No one ever said yes even if they did have rings on.

Then my Uncle was stopped and asked to be shown how amazing this new ring cleaner is by some man. So, my Uncle being nice handed over the ring and watched the man attempt to clean his ring with this bright blue spray. The man did not ask my Uncle any questions, did not ask if there was anything important about his ring, the man just cleaned the ring, handed the ring back to my Uncle and said the product would be thirty dollars. My Uncle did not buy the product and the ring didn’t look any cleaner.

Needless to say; these people need some training on sales. They did not try to get to know their customer or even try to find a prospect. They were not welcoming or even giving off the impression that they believe and have passion for their product/service. These two people went against everything we have discussed so far this semester. They weren’t searching for the pain the customer is having and they weren’t asking questions. Unfortunately, many people think of salespeople like the two examples I just described. No one wanted to buy their product/service because they weren’t even trying. I think this also goes to show how important it is for people to learn about the art of selling and what goes into selling well.

2 thoughts on “Estero”
  1. Wow. That whole experience sounded uncomfortable and sad. Next time you should take a second and ask them about their selling strategy and maybe share a few tips about attunement and relieving pain for their customers. Maybe they’ll have more success in the future.

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