“Entrepreneurs create the world the way it ought to be”, a controversial statement but one you must believe to be passionate about your idea and your product. Over the past 100 years advancements made by Entrepreneurs have increased life expectancy, decreased travel times and ultimately created a “smaller world”. But is a “smaller world” a better world? Although life expectancy has increased do we live our live less caring of our health because we know advancement in healthcare can “save” us from what were once considered deathly illnesses? Because of a “smaller world” do we find ourselves spending less time with the people who should truly matter in our lives and more time trying to conquer this so called “smaller world?” these questions I do not have answers to but I do believe as a passionate Christian, who is also a visionary entrepreneur with a great idea prayer and guidance by the hands above is what would lead you closest to advancement that “creates the world the way it ought to be”.

As mentioned by Evan, as an Entrepreneur, you have the opportunity to create value beyond that for yourself and create value for others, an exponential increase in value– ultimately for the world. A great example he gave was a cello instructor, as they teach a class the class gains value in being able to play the cello while the instructor maintains or even continues to grow as a musician. This simple example leads to an exponential increase in music ability, and can easily be moved into the world of business, music ability does not have a quantifiable amount that it can reach. And just like with music, with the economy there is not “a limited number of slices to the pie” rather the pie can grow, the pie being music ability but for a business it being wealth. If Evan can train three customer success team members on how to run NoWait in three new restaurants, those restaurants table times will go down ultimately increasing value for customers, Evans team, and the restaurant. That time does not simply have to be made up by other restaurants, rather value was created that can continue to expand. Entrepreneurs have a unique blessing to create wealth for the world, with God first I believe this wealth and movement for society is good and does “create the world the way it ought to be”.

One thought on “Evan Adams : “Entreprenuers Create The World The Way It Ought To Be””
  1. I love the example of the cello instructor! It is such a rewarding feeling to give something to another person, whether it be tangible or intangible, and to see how it effects their lives. This is a great quote that you found: “you have the opportunity to create value beyond that for yourself and create value for others”. I never really thought of being an entrepreneur in this way, but it is so true. The ideas that we come up with essentially bring so much more value to others around us.

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