Why Entrepreneurship?

Multiple people come up to me and ask me what I am going to do after college.  Honestly, I hate answering that question because there are multiple things I would want to do.  They proceed to ask me what I want to do with entrepreneurship and I quickly answer… hopefully anything I want.  Entrepreneurship has opened up multiple doors such as internships with an event planner and a marketing firm.  This summer is going to be a little different for me.  I am actually working in SALES.   SALES = SCARY to me.

The World of Sales

“Great entrepreneurs create the world how it ought to be.”  This quote that Evan Addams shared with the entire class this past session helped me a lot in terms of feeling more confident about going into sales.  I love talking to people and I love helping people find a solution in an efficient and cost effective way, but I definitely know that I will be learning a lot during this internship opportunity.  This quote above paints a picture that entrepreneures truly change the world.  Whether I own a business, or I decide to work for a company, I think having a mind that works like an entrepreneur can also help to change the world.


2 thoughts on “Evan Addams | Great Entrepreneurs”
  1. There is certainly a commonality that we both hate answering that question, and as rising college seniors, we will be bombarded with it this summer! 😛
    Although sales may be scary to you, I think that you have a natural finesse with sales! Working in Lean Launch brought out that wonderful quality in you! You’re gonna do amazing with this internship; best of luck to you! Be confident! I know you can do it! Be that entrepreneur that changes the world! 🙂

  2. I agree that too often we forget about the immeasurable value entrepreneurs create for society. Without them, there would be economic stagnation and no where near the standard of living we see today. It is sad, the general public today has no clue what entrepreneurs should mean to them.

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