The best leaders in the world are very effective at communicating and pushing others to see things they did not see before. Sales shares a similar concept to leading, you have to be able to communicate well with others and explain to them the benefit of following you (or buying your product). Discussed by Coach DiDonato in class was famous “4 seconds phrases”, this concept is simple in thought and execution is very effective. One we talked about in class is “Everybody Matters” this concept indirectly applies that the better you care for everyone around you the better salesman you can become. I also challenge you to think of this from the perspective of a Christian. “Everybody Matters” if that is the message we are spreading, it would indirectly stimulate care and love for others around us. The people that are often overlooked would become our friends and the ones we love, not to make a sale but to save a soul. A great salesman does not pass up someone because he can’t sell them on his product, he goes to great lengths to make a sale and to understand his market. This is a concept we should easily be able to apply to the Gospel, for no one is to great a sinner that the love and grace of Jesus can not save them. So taking the simple sales phrase “Everybody Matters”  can not only change revenue figures but lives.

One thought on “Everybody Matters In Sales (And Life)”
  1. I completely agree. Taking the approach of “everyone matters” should not only apply to sales but also in our daily lives. In terms of this approach being used in the sales process not only is it correct, it can also be extremely beneficial.

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