Last week, I was walking down Broad Street with my aunt. As we were walking, we came across a group of kids (elementary-school aged) set up under a tent, all wearing matching T-shirts. They approached me and my aunt and engaged us in conversation. They asked about our days, and began to gauge what our needs might be. Overall, they established a great relationship with both me and my aunt, which left me initially very impressed with how they were selling. The focus was on me and my aunt, and I felt heard and understood.

However, a major flaw in their selling techniques was soon revealed. They never once mentioned why they were raising money. My aunt and I were left to make assumptions based on their T-shirts and sign. For all we knew, they were just raising money for themselves to buy video games and toys.

Furthermore, they never actually asked for the sale. They fell just short of asking my aunt and I for money. Had they explained why they were raising money, and asked for a donation, my aunt and I would have donated based on their initial engagement. However, without these two critical steps my aunt and I walked away confused, and without having donated.

One thought on “Example of Selling on Broad Street”
  1. This is a great example of a few shortcomings in sales. It is very interesting that, even as kids, they started out so strong. Regardless, their failure to offer context and conclude with the donation is something that probably limited the amount of money they received. This is a great example of a sales situation that doesn’t follow the traditional techniques of a successful sale. Thanks for sharing!

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