One day my Father and I were talking about his business and how he sells, I started asking him questions about his sales process before and after what he does to make the most out of it. The Part I will be going over here is the what he does after the Sales meeting and how it overlaps with Explanatory Style.

During this conversation he was telling me what he does after a sale and how he responds to both the outcomes: failure and success. For failure he told me while it stinks, it is very important, My father told me that when you failed the sale you need to ask yourself why you failed the sale. Whether it was not preparing correctly, not asking the right questions, or if the product simply was not what the client needed. on the flip side if the sale was sucessful he asks himself similar questions: Why was the sales successful? what did I do that made the sale go smoothly as it did? was it how much research I did on the clients background? was is because we had very similar personalities and got along well with each other? or was it simply becuase the client needed the product that they did not really care whom they got it from?

It was cool because I was able to see how my dads self reflection period overlapped alot with Explanatory style going over both why the sale either went well or failed.

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